Undergraduate Programs
Summer Enrichment Programs

Fisher students

Fisher is committed to helping students explore their interest in pursuing a career in business, and learn more about life at The Ohio State University.

Check out which program is right for you!

Who should apply for a Fisher summer enrichment program?

If you’re a talented high school student seeking hands-on experience with business education, explore our high school programs and find one that fits you! Programs are selective and only offered once a year. Please see specific programs for details.

What does a Fisher summer enrichment program entail?

Each program is different and students can apply for all three options. Please see program descriptions for more details. In general, each summer program focuses on building community, teaching students important skills necessary to be successful college applicants, and allows students to learn more about The Ohio State University and Fisher College of Business through an on-campus, hands-on experience.

Why should you apply for a Fisher summer enrichment program?

Summer programs are introductions to Ohio State and Fisher College of Business, and the many opportunities and resources we offer! Summer programs allow participants to engage with a diverse student community and emerge as leaders.

Contact Undergraduate Admissions & Recruitment

The Undergraduate Admissions & Recruitment staff at Fisher is focused on supporting the success of future students. Ask any questions you may have.

Transfer students reach out to FCOB-transfer@osu.edu