Yongzhi (Alex) Wang

Assistant Professor
Management & Human Resources


Yongzhi (Alex) is an assistant professor in Strategic Management. His research pipeline consists of two streams of research: competitive strategy (i.e., competition in platform-based markets) and cooperative strategy (i.e., strategic alliances with a focus on joint ventures). Alex's research has won multiple awards, such as the Award of Rigor in Research from the Competitive Strategy interest group at the 2020 Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, a 2015-2016 dissertation grant from the Strategy Research Foundation, one of eight finalists of the 2017 INFORMS/Organization Science Best Dissertation Proposal Competition, the Innovation Theme Best Paper at the 2017 Hong Kong Special Conference of the Strategic Management Society, and a 2015 Phi Kappa Phi Student Recognition Award for research from University of Southern California.


Areas of Expertise

  • Competitive Strategies in Digital Platform Markets
  • Firm Capabilities
  • Strategic Alliances



  • BUSMHR 7413: Digital Platform Strategy (i.e., Advanced Strategic Analysis, MBA and WPMBA Elective)
  • BUSMHR 4490: Strategic Management (Undergraduate Capstone)

Areas of Expertise



  • Ph.D. in Business Administration (specialize in Strategic Management), University of Southern California


Yongzhi Wang, Lori Qingyuan Yue, Nandini Rajagopalan,  and Brian Wu. (2024). "The entry‐deterring effects of synergies in complementor acquisitions: Evidence from Apple's digital platform market, the iOS app store". Strategic Management Journal. (https://doi.org/10.1002/smj.3639).

Yongzhi Wang and Nandini Rajagopalan. 2015. "Alliance Capabilities: Review and Research Agenda." Journal of Management, 41(1): 236-260. (https://doi.org/10.1177/0149206314557157).


BUSMHR 7413 - Advanced Strategic Analysis
Course objective is to analyze a firm's competitive situation and related strategies to create competitive advantage in a more realistic setting than is possible using the traditional case method. Theoretical frameworks learned in the core strategy course among others are applied to firms using real-time data from multiple public sources in order to create well-grounded insights about a firm.