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Topics: Leadership
Student leaders of Out in Business smile for a photo on the Alutto Quad on Fisher's campus.
June 8, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Student’s leadership supporting LGBTQ+ community at Fisher

When Jaret Waters arrived on campus as a first-year student, he began hunting for an association at Fisher geared specifically to the LGBTQ+ community
Matt Rosebaugh
June 7, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Veteran, MBA student honored as a Tillman Scholar

As a veteran with 11 years of active duty service in both conventional and Army Special Operations Aviation units, Matt Rosebaugh knows a thing or two about leadership.
Group of men and women of the International Leadership Consortium sit around a conference table
May 7, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Fisher creates leadership consortium to link theory with practice

The Fisher Leadership Initiative has taken a groundbreaking step forward in the advancement of leadership research and practice with the creation of the International Leadership Consortium (ILC).
FLI Innovation Challenge
April 27, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Students challenged to think innovatively

For Batmandah Mangalam, successful innovation can be traced to two key skills — flexibility and collaboration. Mangalam, a second-year finance student, was one of nearly 50 students from across Ohio State who participated in the first-ever Innovation Challenge.
Ken Cooper presents to a class at Fisher.
April 19, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Bloomberg leader shares insights with students

Fisher students learned important life lessons from an important speaker — the global head of human resources for Bloomberg, the international informa
April 18, 2018
Columbus Business First

University of Louisville President Neeli Bendapudi on what she learned in Columbus

Neeli Bendapudi may have spent the past few years in Kansas, but she can still list of many of Central Ohio's top business leaders by nickname. The former Fisher faculty member was named this month as the new president of the University of Louisville.
Walt Rakovich speaks to attendees in front of classroom
April 17, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Center for Real Estate event explores leadership in business

Fisher students, faculty, staff and members of the business community received first-hand lessons about principled leadership in the face of extreme a
April 9, 2018
Harvard Business Review

Could machine learning help companies select better board directors?

Reseach by Isil Erel and Michael Weisbach examines whether advances in machine learning that have led to innovations ranging from facial recognition software to self-driving cars could also improve corporate governance.
Undergraduate students field questions at a mock press conference.
April 5, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Students put to the test in leadership crisis competition

During any crisis, a company’s brand is at stake. That’s why calm, effective leadership is crucial in maintaining a firm’s reputation and ensuring key
April 4, 2018
Harvard Business Review

Research: When being a humble leader backfires

Research by Fisher's Jasmine Hu and Kaifeng Jiang examines whether humble leaders make more effective leaders and whether their teams have better outcomes.
Red paper boat leads white paper boats on a table
March 26, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Fisher Leadership Initiative launches Lead Read Today

The Fisher Leadership Initiative (FLI) has launched Lead Read Today, a new platform dedicated to advancing the study and practice of principled leadership.
Claire Coder on stage at table with Fisher staff member
March 13, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Claire Coder shares her entrepreneurial journey

Entrepreneurship is a popular career path, and future business owners are always looking for inspiration and guidance. The Fisher community was recent
March 8, 2018
The Chicago Tribune

Hollywood, black actresses and the squishy metrics of who gets paid what

“One thing we’ve learned from social-psychological research in the last 10 or 15 years is that when we make decisions about people — when we evaluate others — we have biases that carry a lot of history that we don’t consciously process or recognize,” according to Fisher's Timothy A.
February 26, 2018
The Ohio State University Office of Energy and Environment

Students partner with Ohio Environmental Council to explore clean energy

Fisher College of Business students worked on a semester-long clean energy choice project alongside the Ohio Environmental Council to help consumers understand sustainable energy choices and choose a renewable energy supplier.
February 20, 2018
Harvard Business Review

Diversity and authenticity

Decades’ worth of studies have shown that similarity attracts—a phenomenon known as homophily. Our research focuses on a specific aspect of this: That being one’s true self, disclosing elements of one’s personal life, and forming social connections are easier within one’s own group than they are across a demographic boundary such as racial background.
Room full of alumni seated at Winter College gathering in Florida
February 13, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Leadership education the focus of annual Winter College gathering

Highlighting the exciting work that is being conducted around principled leadership at Fisher, the college recently met with alumni and friends in Naples, Florida, as part of its annual Winter College event.
Fisher Campus
January 23, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Poets&Quants: 10 business schools to watch in 2018

Fisher College of Business was among the schools highlighted by Poets&Quants as one that is ready to climb in the rankings and generate greater student interest in the coming year.
Fisher Impact Day
November 28, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Student leaders shape Fisher Impact Day though service

Fisher is burgeoning with emerging leaders, many of whom recently worked to make the college’s day of service into something truly exceptional. C.J. Stover and Brady Ellis were among those students who helped shape Fisher Impact Day, an event in which more than 880 members of the Fisher community dispersed across campus and throughout central Ohio to serve various organizations.
November 28, 2017
The Ohio State University

​Sometimes, it pays for the boss to be humble

Researchers studying workplaces in China found that some real-life teams showed more creativity if the employees rated their bosses as showing more humility. Humble leaders are most effective when team members expect a low degree of distance between the leaders and followers, according to Fisher's Jasmine Hu.
Students pack up food for Fisher Impact Day
November 17, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Fisher Impact Day unites college in service of others

Whether creating care packages for servicemembers overseas, making no-sew blankets for sick and disadvantaged children or beautifying parts of Columbus, hundreds of Fisher students, faculty and staff spent the Veterans Day holiday serving the community as part of Fisher Impact Day.
October 23, 2017
The Ohio State University

​Teams work better with a little help from your friends

Here’s something both you and your boss can agree on: Workplace teams are better when they include your friends. Fisher's Robert Lount and his colleagues analyzed the results of 26 different studies and found that teams composed of friends performed better on some tasks than groups of acquaintances or strangers.
Students with laptops seated in a classroom listening to lecture
August 9, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Fisher offering students opportunity to earn Certificate in Leadership

Building on a rich tradition of innovative programming and experiential learning, Fisher College of Business has introduced the Dean’s Leadership Acad
June 21, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Fisher Leadership Initiative awards research funding

Demonstrating its commitment to the academic study of effective leadership, the Fisher Leadership Initiative has selected the recipients for its inaug
April 12, 2017
The Ohio State University

Struggling with different work identities? Your work may suffer

Few people are just one person at work. You may be both a manager and an employee. Or you may be a salesperson who represents two very different brands. Now a new study suggests that how you juggle those different work identities may affect your job performance.
Students with Ohio State attire and hair nets preparing food forisher Impact Day
April 12, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Fisher community unites for 2017 Impact Day

If the first-ever Fisher Impact Day in 2015 represented an opportunity for Fisher to test the waters for a college-wide service event, then the 2017 v

Media contact & inquiry

Joe Arnold | Phone: 614-292-3380 | Email: