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Topics: Leadership
Sesquicentennial Scholars graphic reading 150: 1870-2020
February 18, 2020
Fisher College of Business

Leadership through scholarship

From marketing to finance, undergraduate to graduate, Fisher is proud of the talented students named to Ohio State’s Sesquicentennial Student Scholar Leadership Program. Their academic excellence, engagement as students and passion and drive are moving our land-grant mission forward.
Zac Zies on Ohio State's campus
February 17, 2020
Fisher College of Business

A passion for business proves stronger than disability

Zac Zies, a leader and advocate, shares his journey to a career in logistics while facing overwhelming adversity.

2019 Alumni Award recipients
October 31, 2019
Fisher College of Business

2019 Alumni Award winners recognized for their leadership, global impact and service

As part of its 2019 Alumni Awards celebration, The Ohio State University Max M. Fisher College of Business proudly honored six individuals for their leadership, dedication and service across a number of industries and in communities throughout the United States.
Mason Hall and the Fisher quad
September 24, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Judge, Hu named top leadership scholars

Two faculty members in Fisher’s Department of Management and Human Resources have been named top leadership scholars by The Leadership Quarterly, a peer-reviewed publication focused on the scientific study of leadership.
Dean's Leadership Academy participants gather for group photo Dean's Leadership Academy
August 22, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Dean’s Leadership Academy builds leaders of tomorrow

Student Josh Wiseley avoided conflict and speaking up for himself upon his arrival at The Ohio State University. However, his experience with the Dean’s Leadership Academy through the Fisher Leadership Initiative helped him come out of his shell, discover self-confidence and embrace his ability to lead.
Paula Bennett
August 5, 2019

How mentorship spurred retail careers of two AACSB Influential Leaders

Paula Bennett (BSBA '71) established herself as a leader in the retail industry and was recently recognized by the AACSB as an Influential Leader. Bennett attributes much of her success to the mentor relationships that started at Fisher.
Daniel Baker in front of classroom explains his powerpoint presentation
May 13, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Leadership Grant Conference ushers in new waves of research

Daniel Baker had “an itch” he had wanted to scratch for a while. That itch began in North Carolina when he worked with law enforcement in probation an
Alumnae Paula Bennett, Camille Gibson, Angel Harris and Kara Trott participate in a panel discussion.
April 9, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Women’s Conference informs and inspires others

Malika Jacobs (MBA ’10) stepped into ballroom of the Blackwell Inn to attend the 2019 Women’s Leadership Conference. Already slated to lead one of the
March 26, 2019
The Ohio State University

Austin Ward: A role model in the making

Austin Ward, a third-year finance major, is working to inspire his community by sharing the many experiences he’s had at Ohio State and leaving things better than they were when he found them.
March 22, 2019
The Ohio State University

A mission to help those forgotten

Christian McGhee discovered his potential at Ohio State, and now the Fisher student and recipient of the President's Prize, is fighting youth homelessness. 
Five 2019 Pace Setters winners hold their awards
March 5, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Excellence, achievement honored at 2019 Pace Setters

Achievement, excellence and demonstrated leadership by Fisher students and faculty were recently recognized at the college’s 2019 Pace Setters Awards event.
Female Leader Panel
March 4, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Panel connects students with successful female leaders

Alexandra Parrish walked out of a recent Leadership and Character class with fresh insight from three successful leaders with deep ties to Fisher and Ohio State: Paula Bennett, Rachel Friedman and Elizabeth Mily.
February 26, 2019
The New York Times

When the bully Is the boss

A boss who “demands” excellence is no more likely to produce it than the boss who requests or nurtures it, and likely less so, the research suggests. Demanding excellence often is just a handy excuse, said Bennett Tepper, the Irving Abramowitz Memorial Professorship at Fisher and a leading researcher of the effects of abusive leadership.
Paula Bennett headshot with window in the background
February 5, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Bennett recognized as an Influential Leader

Paula Bennett (BSBA ’71) has been named to the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business’ (AACSB) 2019 Class of Influential Leaders.
Business Coaching Program
February 4, 2019
Fisher College of Business

Alumni paying forward as part of Business Coaching Program

More than 25 Ohio State alumni have answered the call to help current graduate students grapple with professional and personal challenges as part of a coaching program delivered by the Fisher Leadership Initiative.  
Seven members of the Fisher Leadership Initiative board
January 28, 2019
Fisher College of Business

External voices help guide Leadership Initiative

A number of influential leaders are helping shape leadership education and research at The Ohio State University as part of the Fisher Leadership Init
December 13, 2018
Columbus Business First

After enrollment declines, Ohio State revamping its full-time MBA program for more 'well-rounded' experience

The redesigned Full-Time MBA program at Fisher College of Business will create a more relationship-based experience for students, offering "access teams" of experts, updated skills assessments, individualized coaching and hands-on learning opportunities.
Isaac Reynolds in suit on Fisher's campus
December 3, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Blending his global perspective with LGBTQ advocacy

Full-time MBA student Isaac Reynolds is busy. Not only is he applying his experience in international business and his interests in marketing management and business development strategy to make an impact on the Fisher community, but he’s also putting to use his education and previous career experience as an advocate for the LGBTQ business community — at Fisher and on the global stage. 
November 14, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Matt Rosebaugh (MBA '19): Serving his country and serving others

Matt Rosebaugh shares his journey from piloting helicopters in the U.S. Army to becoming a student in Fisher's Full-Time MBA program. 
September 4, 2018
Columbus CEO

CEOs speak up on the political issues of the day

“I do think the figurehead role is growing, as are the expectations on the CEO,” says Tim Judge, executive director of the Fisher Leadership Initiative and the Joseph A. Alutto Chair in Leadership Effectiveness. “I think we expect them to walk a pretty fine line.”
August 23, 2018
Fisher College of Business

The Undergraduate Veterans Leadership Program

The Undergraduate Veterans Leadership Program provides military and veteran students at Ohio State with a unique opportunity to develop and refine their leadership skills.
August 23, 2018
The Lantern

Merchant-Semmler administration make strides over the summer

The Lantern profiled Undergraduate Student Government President Shamina Merchant, a fourth-year MIS student, and Vice President Shawn Semmler, a fourth-year finance student, a few months after taking office.
Students enjoy a laugh at the Dean’s Leadership Academy at Fisher
August 16, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Dean’s Leadership Academy develops students into leaders

Casey Miglin felt lost as a leader. As head of a student organization, she decided to develop her skills in managing the group and its members. She found the perfect opportunity through a summer offering of the Dean’s Leadership Academy at Fisher College of Business.
July 30, 2018

How to spot a narcissist

Almost all offices have them. The person whose self-belief exceeds their abilities, who belittles their co-workers, and who considers themselves so special and unique, they're left infuriated when others fail to recognize them. We're talking about the office narcissist. Tim Judge, the Joseph A. Alutto Chair in Leadership Effectiveness, tells us how to spot one.
July 2, 2018
Columbus CEO

Succeeding on the homefront

While serving her country, Kimberly Tapia also started the Polanko Group, which has several business lines, and has managed to find the time to earn a Master of Business Operational Excellence degree from Fisher College of Business.

Media contact & inquiry

Joe Arnold | Phone: 614-292-3380 | Email: