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Groups of Honors Cohort students outside surrounded by palms and tropical plants
January 29, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Honors Cohort gains global experience in Brazil

Opportunities to experience business on a global scale remains a critical part of the student experience for undergraduate and graduate students at Fisher. Madeline Furash, a fourth-year student and member of Fisher’s Honors Cohort program, shared a recap of the program’s recent International Expedition to Brazil.
Fisher Campus
January 23, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Poets&Quants: 10 business schools to watch in 2018

Fisher College of Business was among the schools highlighted by Poets&Quants as one that is ready to climb in the rankings and generate greater student interest in the coming year.
January 19, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Mentors making a difference in the lives of Fisher students

Seasoned professionals passing along wisdom to younger minds is a critical part of education and development. As Fisher College of Business marks National Mentoring Month, several students are benefitting from the guidance of alumni and their fellow students.
January 10, 2018

Ohio State's new partnership with NiSource is shining brighter light onto safety

Recently, NiSource teamed up with business data analytics students at The Ohio State University to find ways to further extract trends from data. Overseen by a former IBM executive, two groups of juniors and seniors were tasked with finding factors around why and when work injuries occur.
A Fisher student conducts a mock interview as part of the QUIC program.
January 8, 2018
Fisher College of Business

QUIC program helps undergrads stand out to employers

Among the many benefits for undergraduates attending a top-ranked school such as Fisher College of Business are the wealth of opportunities for intern
January 3, 2018

Fisher introduces new specialized master in business analytics program

Waleed Muhanna and Greg Allenby saw a need in the modern workforce, and they were well-positioned to do something about it.
Dean Makhija with award winners Andrea Evans and Katie Reynolds
December 19, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Fisher announces 2017 Coykendale award winners

Fisher College of Business has honored Andrea Evans and Katie Reynolds with Coykendale Awards, which are presented each year as part of the college’s ongoing commitment to recognize and reward dedicated staff members.

December 13, 2017

Meet Fisher's MBA Class of 2019

“Fisher is family.” You’ll hear that a lot around Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business. On a campus with nearly 60,000 students, Fisher is an MBA peanut with just 91 full-time students in the Class of 2019. That’s exactly how these first-years want it.
Gathering of students at the MBLE Pre-Commencement
December 8, 2017
Fisher College of Business

MBLE Class of 2017 celebrates Pre-Commencement

Fisher College of Business recently gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of the Master of Business Logistics Engineering (MBLE) Class of 2017 at a Pre-Commencement ceremony.
Local nonprofit leaders on high chairs making presentation to students
December 7, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Marketing for social impact the focus of annual event

Fisher students and representatives from national and local nonprofits recently congregated to gain insights on how to effectively wield marketing skills for a positive impact on important social causes as part of the “Marketing for a Better World” event, hosted by the Fisher Association of Marketing Professionals (AMP) with the support of Fisher Board Fellows.
An inmate at Southeastern Correctional Institution talks about his experience with the Ohio Prison Entrepreneurship Program.
November 28, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Partnership brings entrepreneurship to prison

Making her way through security at the Southeastern Correctional Institution (SCI) in Lancaster last August, Erin Halleran wasn’t unnerved by the chai
Fisher Impact Day
November 28, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Student leaders shape Fisher Impact Day though service

Fisher is burgeoning with emerging leaders, many of whom recently worked to make the college’s day of service into something truly exceptional. C.J. Stover and Brady Ellis were among those students who helped shape Fisher Impact Day, an event in which more than 880 members of the Fisher community dispersed across campus and throughout central Ohio to serve various organizations.
November 25, 2017
The Columbus Dispatch

Business program works to release inmates into small businesses

Started this year as a pilot project at the Southeastern Correctional Institution outside Lancaster, the Ohio Prison Entrepreneurship Program is a collaboration between the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction and the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business.
Students pack up food for Fisher Impact Day
November 17, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Fisher Impact Day unites college in service of others

Whether creating care packages for servicemembers overseas, making no-sew blankets for sick and disadvantaged children or beautifying parts of Columbus, hundreds of Fisher students, faculty and staff spent the Veterans Day holiday serving the community as part of Fisher Impact Day.
November 17, 2017
The Columbus Dispatch

Hard-working Billy Price earns business degree while never missing a game

“The biggest thing once I made my decision to come to Ohio State was to make sure I got my degree because it’s a highly touted, highly respected business school here, Fisher,” senior Billy Price said. “I wanted to enjoy the process.”
Undergraduate students touring Honda and surrounded by engine parts
November 14, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Honda supporting students, research at Fisher

Students, faculty and researchers at Fisher College of Business are benefiting from unique opportunities to engage with a leader in the automotive industry, as the college and Honda of America have teamed up in a number of ways.
Man and two women wearing crowns and sashes hand award to Gomez-Bellenge
November 13, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Fisher's Gómez-Bellengé recognized with statewide award

Recognizing his commitment to elevating educational opportunities and initiatives for Hispanics and Latinos/as throughout the region, Francisco Gómez-
November 8, 2017
Columbus Business First

Columbus, Ohio State seek to expand program helping minority businesses

A group of Ohio State University students helped Michael Watkins better market his electrical contracting business as he gears up to hire an employee and double the jobs he can take on. The city of Columbus is investing $100,000 to figure out how the student program itself can expand to help more than two small businesses at a time.
A military veteran helps a student refine his resume review to highlight his military experience.
November 7, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Veterans provide unique insights as part of resume review

For the second year in a row, undergraduate and graduate students with military experience at Fisher were provided the opportunity to engage with corp
computer keyboard on top of financial statements
November 6, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Fisher offering an undergraduate minor in insurance

Developed in response to student and industry demands, The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business will offer a new undergraduate minor in in
November 1, 2017
Columbus CEO

Seeing Double

Twins, including those with ties to Fisher, capitalize on their unique sibling relationships for entrepreneurial success.
October 30, 2017

International MBAs can still build careers in the United States

Despite the political uncertainty, international MBA grads from Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business are landing jobs at top firms like Amazon, Apple, and IBM.
Business Analytics graph on a computer
October 20, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Fisher launches Specialized Master Degree Program in Business Analytics

With data and analytics representing an exciting frontier and untold potential for business, Fisher has launched a Specialized Master of Business degree program in Business Analytics (SMB-A) designed to prepare individuals with analytics skills, techniques and tools to transform data into insights to make better business decisions.

October 11, 2017

How Ohio State is reinventing the MBA experience

On March 20th of this year, Fisher College of Business Dean Anil K. Makhija marched into a conference room filled with 16 members of his faculty and staff to deliver a challenge. Makhija urged the group to pull out a blank sheet of paper and reinvent the school’s full-time MBA curriculum.
October 10, 2017
The 74

Inside the Ohio program that’s offering aspiring principals training, mentorship — and an MBA

When Jessica Horowitz-Moore graduated from Ohio State University as an education major in 2004, she could not get certified as a teacher until she earned her master’s degree. She wasn’t ready for more school, so she took a job working with children who had emotional-behavioral problems.

Media contact & inquiry

Joe Arnold | Phone: 614-292-3380 | Email: