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Topics: Faculty & Research
June 20, 2018

Mounting research suggests you really should be drinking coffee

People who drank more coffee contributed more to group meetings and tended to stay on-topic compared to their decaffeinated co-workers. Coffee drinkers also evaluated team performance more positively as a result of increased alertness, Ohio State University researchers found.
June 19, 2018
Consumer HealthDay

Warning labels can scare folks away from sugary drinks

People are less likely to buy sugary drinks if they see warning labels that include graphic pictures of health consequences such as obesity, diabetes and tooth decay, according to research from Fisher's Grant Donnelly and his colleagues.
Students listen intently to Executive Education speaker
June 19, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Executive Education program working to build supplier diversity skills

A partnership between Fisher and the Ohio Minority Supplier Development Council is providing minority business leaders with a key opportunity to establish and augment operational excellence programs within their firms.
June 19, 2018
The Conversation

How setting a schedule can make you less productive

You might think you've made your day more efficient – but it can actually affect what you accomplish during your unstructured time, according to research by Fisher's Selin Malkoc.
June 18, 2018
The Ohio State University

​When consumers don’t want to talk about what they bought

One of the joys of shopping for many people is the opportunity to brag about their purchases to friends and others. But new research from Anna Paley, a visiting scholar in marketing at Fisher, found one common situation in which people would rather not discuss what they just bought: when they’re feeling like money is a little tight.
June 18, 2018
Yahoo UK

Are we ever truly sorry?

So what makes a good apology? According to a study by Roy Lewicki, a professor at the Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business, the perfect apology has six components.
Rebecca Walker Reczek in front of the AMA conference sign with conference co-chairs.
June 18, 2018
Fisher College of Business

AMA, Fisher explore the role of marketing and public policy

Highlighting the relationship between theory and practice, Fisher College of Business teamed up with the American Marketing Association (AMA) for the
June 7, 2018

This surprising drink helps people work better in teams

As if we needed more reasons to love our coffee, researchers have discovered that people work better together under the influence of coffee.
June 6, 2018
Constructech TV

New Albany puts the brakes on distracted driving

See how The Risk Institute at Fisher College of Business is leading the discussion to combat the issue of distracted driving.
June 5, 2018

Why Sears' plunging stock makes index funds and ETFs even more attractive

In 1975 the percentage of corporate profits that came from the top 100 U.S. firms was 48.5 percent, according to research conducted by finance professors Kathleen Kahle of the University of Arizona and René Stulz of Ohio State.
June 5, 2018
The Ohio State University

​Coffee helps teams work together, study suggests

Good teamwork begins with a cup of coffee for everyone, a new study suggests. Researchers, including Amit Singh, co-author of the study and a doctoral student in marketing at Fisher, found that people gave more positive reviews for their group’s performance on a task — and their own contribution — if they drank caffeinated coffee beforehand. 
Room of people at the Real Estate Center Annual Conference
May 31, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Center for Real Estate events explore industry application, research

Two signature events recently hosted by the Ohio State Center for Real Estate demonstrated its commitment to serving as a valuable link and a resource
May 29, 2018
The Daily Mail

How to guarantee a successful day at the office

Research by Selin Malkoc finds that upcoming meetings hinder progress and stop you from being productive.
May 29, 2018
HuffPost UK

Why you do less work when you have a meeting in your diary

Research by Selin Malkoc and her colleagues found, in a series of eight tests, that time seems shorter to people when it comes immediately before a scheduled task or appointment. Therefore when we have a meeting booked in our diary, we’re inclined to do less work and fill the time prior to the meeting with minor tasks, rather than knuckle down and complete something productive. 
May 28, 2018
The New York Times

Why office friendships can feel so awkward

Using research by Fisher's Robert Lount which showed friends tended to perform better than teams made up of strangers, the Times examines the many dynamics of office friendships.
Cynthia Turner and Project THRIVE students pose during a service activity with local elementary school students.
May 23, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Turner recognized for enhancing diversity at Fisher

As director of a Fisher program designed to engage underrepresented minority students interested in the field of accounting, Cynthia W. Turner wanted
May 23, 2018
The Ohio State University

Why an upcoming appointment makes us less productive

In a series of studies, both in the lab and real life, researchers including Fisher's Selin Malkoc found that free time seems shorter to people when it comes before a task or appointment on their calendar.
May 21, 2018

How AI is helping improve employee experiences

Artificial intelligence has the opportunity to diversify boards and remove the bias of executives choosing who they know. The Risk Institute at the Ohio State University has done extensive research on using machine learning to hire and select board directors.
May 20, 2018
The Los Angeles Times

U.S. is putting new tariffs on hold while negotiating with China, Mnuchin says

"For now, expect the Chinese to go back to buying lots of U.S. soybeans and Boeing aircraft, a big-ticket item that can move the needle," said Oded Shenkar, a China expert and business professor. "But what else can the Chinese buy from the U.S.?"
May 15, 2018

Humility is a good quality for leaders, right? Not so fast

"Oftentimes we forget that leadership is about relationships," says Jasmine Hu, an associate professor of management at Fisher. "It is not just what team leaders want to provide to their members. It is also what team members want or expect from their leaders."
Five participants at the CIE Innovation Summit study information on a computer screen
May 10, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Innovation Summit tackles building an entrepreneurial culture

Attendees at The Ohio State University Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship’s Innovation Summit 2018 received a series of first-hand insights into how companies have successfully built entrepreneurial cultures.
May 9, 2018

The risks and costs of cyber-attacks

A new study, co-authored by Rene Stulz, the Everett D. Reese Chair of Banking and Monetary Economics at Fisher, explores these issues through a massive sample of data breaches that affected U.S. public corporations from 2005 through 2014 and examines the repercussions three years out.
Group of men and women of the International Leadership Consortium sit around a conference table
May 7, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Fisher creates leadership consortium to link theory with practice

The Fisher Leadership Initiative has taken a groundbreaking step forward in the advancement of leadership research and practice with the creation of the International Leadership Consortium (ILC).
May 3, 2018

Small businesses most confident in years; larger ones have even more swagger

Tom Stewart, executive director of NCMM, observed a similar pattern among the subgroups in his report: larger companies were more confident.
April 29, 2018

Forgetting inconvenient facts

Fisher's Rebecca Walker Reczek, Daniel Zane and their colleagues find that consumers are more likely to forget when a product is made unethically than when a product is made ethically.