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Topics: Media Mentions
February 21, 2018

What researchers are doing to tackle distracted driving

A group called the Risk Institute at Ohio State University is looking at what can be done to change habits and behaviors about cellphones and driving.
February 19, 2018
Columbus CEO

Is a humble boss a better boss?

No one likes an egomaniac, but sometimes a little arrogance may be just what the C-suite needs. “To team members who expect leaders ... to take charge and give orders, humble leaders may be met with doubt,” says Fisher's Jasmine Hu.
February 14, 2018
The Columbus Dispatch

Matters of Taste: False truths can mislead consumers at grocery

The belief in the health power of expensive foods — or that healthy foods need to cost more — is misguided, according to Rebecca Reczek, a food psychologist and marketing researcher at Ohio State University.
February 9, 2018
NBC News

Will a falling stock market take the jobs market down with it?

“The stock market is what economists call a leading indicator of the business cycle, the real economy, while the labor market is a lagging indicator,” said Fisher's Lu Zhang, who has studied correlations between stock prices and the labor market.
February 5, 2018
Columbus CEO

All In

After a year of doubt, sacrifice and reinvention, does CrossChx's Sean Lane finally have his billion-dollar idea in Columbus, an area that Fisher's Bill Diffenderffer says "is not the city that it was when I first got here 12 years ago."
February 5, 2018
Reward Expert

Researchers find adults with ADHD may struggle financially

According to Ohio State researchers Itzhak (Zahi) Ben-David and Dr. Theordore P. Beauchaine, and a colleague at the University of Florida, adults with ADHD may struggle financially.
February 4, 2018
Financial Times

ETF growth is ‘in danger of devouring capitalism’

Itzhak Ben-David, a finance professor at Fisher, presented a paper that showed that when a company joins a major index both its ETF ownership and volatility goes up, and when it leaves its ETF ownership and volatility goes down. “No one doubts this [the ETF] is a great innovation, but at the same time it could have some unintended consequences,” Prof Ben-David said at the conference.
January 26, 2018
The Columbus Dispatch

U.S. Olympic curling team to wear apparel from Columbus retailer

Pursuit is providing suits, dress shirts and accessories for the Team Shuster curling team that will represent the U.S. at the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Pursuit, founded by a Fisher alumnus, is doing “the opposite of Super Bowl advertising,” said Deborah Mitchell, a professor of marketing at Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business.
Fisher Campus
January 23, 2018
Fisher College of Business

Poets&Quants: 10 business schools to watch in 2018

Fisher College of Business was among the schools highlighted by Poets&Quants as one that is ready to climb in the rankings and generate greater student interest in the coming year.
December 20, 2017
The Chronicle of Philanthropy

How fundraisers should talk to donors about the tax overhaul

Republicans’ tax overhaul could have long-lasting effects on how charities will raise money — and from whom they will raise money. Now, as the overhaul is headed to President Trump’s desk, many fundraisers are wondering what steps to take next in reaching out to donors. Here’s what the experts such as Fisher's Brian Mittendorf suggest.
December 17, 2017
Sandusky Register

Experts: Sandusky Mall hanging in there

“The department store is having a very hard time,” said Deborah Mitchell, clinical associate professor of marketing at Ohio State University. Before, the department store was where you had to go if you wanted to look at a lot of different things. Internet sites now handle much of that, she said.
December 15, 2017

Want to fix sexual harassment? Don't hire jerks

As the reckoning continues, people want to know: What can we do about sexual harassment? Based on research by Fisher's Bennett Tepper, Robert Sutton's answer is: Just avoid hiring potential troublemakers in the first place.
December 13, 2017

Meet Fisher's MBA Class of 2019

“Fisher is family.” You’ll hear that a lot around Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business. On a campus with nearly 60,000 students, Fisher is an MBA peanut with just 91 full-time students in the Class of 2019. That’s exactly how these first-years want it.
November 17, 2017
The Columbus Dispatch

Hard-working Billy Price earns business degree while never missing a game

“The biggest thing once I made my decision to come to Ohio State was to make sure I got my degree because it’s a highly touted, highly respected business school here, Fisher,” senior Billy Price said. “I wanted to enjoy the process.”
November 10, 2017
Springfield News-Sun

Could driverless tech mean thousands of Ohio trucking jobs lost?

The technology that’s making autonomous vehicles possible isn’t new, said Tom Goldsby, chair of the Department of Marketing and Logistics at Fisher. Instead, it’s been a process of steady technological improvements over a span of decades.
November 5, 2017
The Wall Street Journal

A reality check on stock-market ‘anomalies’

Lu Zhang and his colleagues, Kewei Hou and Chen Xue have been making waves in the investing community with a paper published earlier this year that challenges much of the research out there about market “anomalies.” They spent nearly three years compiling and replicating 447 market anomalies identified in academic literature.
November 1, 2017
Columbus CEO

Seeing Double

Twins, including those with ties to Fisher, capitalize on their unique sibling relationships for entrepreneurial success.
October 24, 2017

Why your boss should always let you work alongside your ‘work wife’

Teams of friends get the job done, according to new research from Fisher's Robert Lount and his colleagues.
October 18, 2017
WBUR - Boston

Vetting charities when disaster hits

At least $350 million was raised for victims of Hurricane Harvey in the first three weeks after the storm. There have also been questions raised about what the charities do with the donations. Fisher Professor Brian Mittendorf shared his thoughts.
October 5, 2017

Opioid epidemic may be impacting labor market in Ohio and nationwide

"At a macro level, we're seeing evidence that opioid addiction is impacting employment rates," said David B. Greenberger, a professor of management at Ohio State University's Fisher College of Business.
October 4, 2017

Amazon now hiring 1,000 MBAs a year

Amazon has become a leading hirer of MBA talent in recent years, often topping the lists of major employers at several elite business schools. “It’s one of the smartest companies on the planet, and it has become a training ground for MBAs,” says Fisher's Shashi Matta.
October 4, 2017
The Strategic Sourceror

Effective supply chains start with great suppliers

Doug Farren, managing director of the National Center for the Middle Market, discussed research focused on the mid-sized companies that provide the raw goods and services used by other organizations.
October 2, 2017
Fast Company

This is the best way to avoid making the same mistake twice

A new report by Fisher's Selin Malkoc and published in Journal of Behavioral Decision Making found that the best way to rebound and learn from failure is to lean into the pain.
September 29, 2017

A new Amazon warehouse would bring jobs, but for how long?

Amazon says the new warehouse its planning to open in Euclid in 2019 will create 1,000 new jobs. But some of those jobs may have a short shelf-life, according to Professor Ken Boyer.
September 25, 2017
The Conversation

Let them eat caviar: When charity galas waste money

Charities have learned the same lesson as casinos, which splurge on great food and booze to make gamblers spend more on betting. Posh entertaining can coax giving in ways that other fundraising methods, like mass-mailing appeal letters, can’t, writes Professor Brian Mittendorf and his colleagues.