Mason Hall on a sunny day.

Four marketing and logistics researchers with strong ties to Fisher were recently honored for their contributions to the field and for their service to the Journal of Business Logistics (JBL).

Douglas Lambert and Matias Enz were named recipients of the 2023 LaLonde Best Paper Award for their work, “A Supply Chain Management Framework for Services.” The award, presented by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), honors the most valuable paper published in the JBL.

Lambert is the Raymond E. Mason Chaired Professor Emeritus at Fisher and Academy Professor at The Ohio State University, while Enz (PhD ’09) is an associate professor at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. The two are longtime research colleagues. Lambert, who founded The Global Supply Chain Forum at Fisher, also chaired Enz’s doctoral dissertation committee in 2009, a project funded by the Forum.

Together, they have authored 10 journal articles and are collaborating on a book with Fisher alum Rudi Leuschner (PhD ’10).

“Matias became my most significant colleague in terms of Forum research,” Lambert said. “The research involved working with companies, had longer timelines to complete and typically resulted in two-author papers. At a time when deans count articles, the focus has shifted to short-term projects, and the number of authors per paper has increased significantly. It is very satisfying for me to see that his work is being recognized for the high quality it represents.”

The best paper award honors the career accomplishments of Bernard “Bud” LaLonde, a former professor emeritus at Fisher, founder of the JBL and an instrumental force behind the creation of the CSCMP’s Doctoral Symposium and what is now its Academic Research Symposium.

During his time at Ohio State, LaLonde authored more than 120 articles and books and chaired more than 60 doctoral dissertations. A review of 50 years of PhD graduates of the Fisher Marketing Department (now the Department of Marketing and Logistics) reveals four individuals with more than 35,000 Google Scholar citations; LaLonde, who passed away in 2017, served as the dissertation chair for each one.

“In my opinion, Professor Bud LaLonde is unmatched in terms of his impact on the fields of logistics and supply chain management,” said Lambert, the first of LaLonde’s nine PhD students to receive the CSCMP Dissertation Award, and one of just two former students to earn the CSCMP Distinguished Service Award. 

“It is my belief that Bud would approve of the paper, our motivation for conducting the research (discussions with a vice president at a multinational credit card company with revenues exceeding $10 billion), and our methodology. I think he would appreciate that his incredible influence and his legacy of mentorship lives on through my continued work with Matias.” 

Assistant Professor of Marketing and Logistics Vince Castillo was also honored by the JBL. Castillo, an expert in logistics and supply chain management, was named one of four Outstanding Senior Editors for 2023. 

Molly Hughes (PhD ’18) was recognized among four others as an Outstanding Reviewer for 2023. Hughes currently is an assistant professor of global supply chain management at West Virginia University.

Douglas Lambert Academy Professor, Raymond E. Mason Chaired Professor Emeritus
Faculty Profile for Douglas Lambert
Vince Castillo Assistant Professor
Faculty Profile for Vince Castillo