Elena Plaksenkova

Assistant Professor
Management & Human Resources


Elena is an Assistant Professor of Strategy at the Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University. She received her Bachelor degree from the Moscow State University, MSc degree from Bocconi University, and PhD from HEC Paris. 

Elena's research focuses on issues related to value creation and value capture in business ecosystems.   She explores how competition over value capture and the nature of the underlying complementarities affects firm's strategies towards the key complements and how this, in turn, affects the evolution of the ecosystem. She looks at the how both for-profit and nonprofit actors may affect this evolution. In her research Elena uses formal models and empirical methods. In particular, she examines the context of the anti-HIV drug market, where the standard treatment is a multi-drug combination.

She also studies value creation and value capture in R&D alliances in biopharmaceutical industry using a novel methodology – a two-sided matching process.

Research interests

Business ecosystems, complements, nonprofit actors, value creation and value capture, biform games


BUSMHR 4490: Strategic Management (Undergraduate Capstone)

MBA 6293: Strategy Formulation and Implementation

Areas of Expertise



  • PhD, HEC Paris 
  • MSc, Bocconi University 
  • BA, Moscow State University 


MBA 6293 - Strategy Formulation & Implementation
Focus on the determination of the strategic direction of the firm and the management of the strategic process. Prereq: Enrollment in MBA or WPMBA program, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 980 or 6290 or 6291.