Maria Landekhovskaya

Senior Lecturer
Management & Human Resources
Marketing & Logistics


Maria Landekhovskaya is currently working as a consultant, primarily focused on international sporting events. One of her most recent projects was as a consultant with the marketing department of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Local Organizing Committee. Prior to this role, Maria was a Senior Strategy Consultant with the Chicago Sports Commission (CSC), where she developed a strategic plan to guide CSC forward with clear goals around priority sporting market segments and strategies to continue to enhance the reputation of Chicago within the Sport Tourism Industry.

Maria has also worked at two global Olympic partners. Prior to her experience with the city of Chicago, she was the Communications Leader of Olympic Operations for The Dow Chemical Company. In her role, she was responsible for leading the communications strategy for the Carbon Partnership of Dow’s Olympic Sponsorship.

Prior to her experience with Dow, Maria spent five years with Coca-Cola as an Environmental Affairs and Sustainability Manager within the Public Affairs and Communication Department. She was responsible for developing the Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for Coca-Cola, including the integration of sustainability projects with the sponsorship strategy of major events, such as the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games and the FIFA World Cup 2010 Trophy Tour.

Maria has other diverse experiences working on major events, including the Coca-Cola hospitality program for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games and Jet Set Sports for the London 2012 Olympic Games.

In 2004, prior to joining the sports world, Maria spent a year working in the field of waste management and recycling in the United States, gaining experience as she pursued her Master’s Degree. Her work included experience at the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO), the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA), and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR).

Maria holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science from the Russian Peoples’ Friendship University and an MBA in marketing from The Ohio State University.


BUSML 4203 - Marketing Strategy
This case course focuses on strategic planning examining how environmental factors affect long-term marketing strategies, how firms adapt to opportunities and threats in dynamic environments and how to assess development of competitive advantages. Prereq: 4201 (750), 4202 (758), and BusMHR 2292 (BusAdm 499.01), or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 752.
MBA 6253 - Marketing
Focuses on the interrelated elements of the marketing mix, its relationship with the other functional areas of management, and marketing responses to the external environment. Prereq: Enrollment in MBA program, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 840.
BUSADM 3890H - Honors Seminar
Seminar on current business topics for students enrolled in the Business Administration Honors Programs. Topics may vary. Prereq: Admission to a Business Administration Honors Program. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs of 4 completions.
BUSADM 4890H - Honors Seminar
Seminar on current business topics for students enrolled in the Business Administration Honors Programs. Topics may vary. Prereq: 3890H. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 2 completions.