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Topics: Faculty & Research
October 30, 2017
Black Enterprise

Your coworkers are not your friends…but maybe they should be

Research by Fisher's Robert Lount and his colleagues suggests that not making friends at work can do more harm than good.
Risk Annual Conference
October 26, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Risk Institute examines risk in the digital age at Annual Conference

The evolution of risk in a digital age took center stage at The Risk Institute’s fourth Annual Conference at The Ohio State University Fisher College
October 26, 2017

Why U.S. manufacturers are turning their attention to 'Reshoring'

Companies around the country are increasingly cashing in on 'reshoring' opportunities. But a study conducted by John Gray, an associate professor of operations at Fisher and two other researchers, examined a litany of reasons for why small to midsize companies had chosen to bring home production. 
October 24, 2017

Oded Shenkar explains China's economic plans through the decades

CGTN's Mike Walter spoke with Oded Shenkar, professor at Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University on China's economic policy.
October 24, 2017
The Conversation

The best way to deal with failure

According to new research by Fisher's Selin Malkoc and her colleagues, the way you respond could determine whether or not you'll repeat the same mistake in the future.
October 24, 2017

Apprenticeships could narrow the U.S. skills gap

A study conducted this summer by the National Center for the Middle Market at Ohio State University found that 44 percent of mid-market companies said they had difficulty recruiting people who had the skills they needed.
October 24, 2017

Why your boss should always let you work alongside your ‘work wife’

Teams of friends get the job done, according to new research from Fisher's Robert Lount and his colleagues.
October 23, 2017
The Ohio State University

​Teams work better with a little help from your friends

Here’s something both you and your boss can agree on: Workplace teams are better when they include your friends. Fisher's Robert Lount and his colleagues analyzed the results of 26 different studies and found that teams composed of friends performed better on some tasks than groups of acquaintances or strangers.
Business Analytics graph on a computer
October 20, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Fisher launches Specialized Master Degree Program in Business Analytics

With data and analytics representing an exciting frontier and untold potential for business, Fisher has launched a Specialized Master of Business degree program in Business Analytics (SMB-A) designed to prepare individuals with analytics skills, techniques and tools to transform data into insights to make better business decisions.

October 18, 2017
WBUR - Boston

Vetting charities when disaster hits

At least $350 million was raised for victims of Hurricane Harvey in the first three weeks after the storm. There have also been questions raised about what the charities do with the donations. Fisher Professor Brian Mittendorf shared his thoughts.
October 12, 2017
Quartz at Work

There’s a right way to dwell on failure

Selin Malkoc, a marketing professor at Fisher College of Business, says dwelling isn’t always a waste of energy or a sign of regression.
October 11, 2017
Chicago Booth School of Business

Richard Thaler and the science of people

Fisher Professor Itzhak Ben-David shares his thoughts on Richard Thaler, a professor of behavioral sciences at Booth School of Business and recipient of the 2017 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
October 9, 2017

How midmarket companies attract the best talent

According to a recent report from the National Center for the Middle Market, talent management is the middle market's biggest constraint.
October 5, 2017

Opioid epidemic may be impacting labor market in Ohio and nationwide

"At a macro level, we're seeing evidence that opioid addiction is impacting employment rates," said David B. Greenberger, a professor of management at Ohio State University's Fisher College of Business.
October 4, 2017
The Strategic Sourceror

Effective supply chains start with great suppliers

Doug Farren, managing director of the National Center for the Middle Market, discussed research focused on the mid-sized companies that provide the raw goods and services used by other organizations.
October 2, 2017
Fast Company

This is the best way to avoid making the same mistake twice

A new report by Fisher's Selin Malkoc and published in Journal of Behavioral Decision Making found that the best way to rebound and learn from failure is to lean into the pain.
September 29, 2017

A new Amazon warehouse would bring jobs, but for how long?

Amazon says the new warehouse its planning to open in Euclid in 2019 will create 1,000 new jobs. But some of those jobs may have a short shelf-life, according to Professor Ken Boyer.
Fisher Hall and Mason Hall with a view of Gerlach Hall on Fisher Campus
September 29, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Alumni pay forward in support of faculty thought leadership

Recognizing the impact that faculty thought leaders at Fisher can have on future business leaders, Ric Dillon (BSBA ’77, MA ’86) and Steven Trulaske (MA ’80, MBA ’82) have generously created two endowed professorships at the college.
September 25, 2017
The Conversation

Let them eat caviar: When charity galas waste money

Charities have learned the same lesson as casinos, which splurge on great food and booze to make gamblers spend more on betting. Posh entertaining can coax giving in ways that other fundraising methods, like mass-mailing appeal letters, can’t, writes Professor Brian Mittendorf and his colleagues.
September 25, 2017

Want to make your supply chain more profitable? Do less

“The research shows that the best middle-market suppliers tend to be the largest and fastest-growing middle market companies," according to Professor Thomas Goldsby.
September 22, 2017
The Washington Post

A field guide to jerks at work

Bennett Tepper, a professor at Ohio State University who studies abusive bosses, said that while he’s not suggesting a blame-the-victim mentality, it may be possible to make yourself less vulnerable.
Judy Tansky stands along a brick column outside on Fisher's campus.
September 21, 2017
Fisher College of Business

Alumni Award honors Tansky's commitment to education, service

Judy Tansky (BS ’68, MAcc ’75, PhD ’91) has been named the 2017 recipient of Fisher’s Excellence in Service Award for her service as a member of Fisher’s faculty and for her work connecting students with nonprofit organizations in search of business insights.
September 14, 2017

This is the best way to recover from failure

This notion of feeling the pain in order to progress may be counterintuitive to those who believe in shaking off failures. But it's actually motivating to learn how bad it feels to fail, according to study co-author Selin Malkoc, a marketing professor at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business.
September 14, 2017
Manufacturing Business Technology

‘Perfect links’ in the supply chain

Supply chain management is increasingly recognized not simply as a way to hold down costs and keep operations running smoothly, but as a path to competitive advantage by satisfying customers with more value, innovative service and speed, writes Doug Farren, of the National Center for the Middle Market.
September 13, 2017
The Ohio State University

Want to rebound from failure? Feel the pain

Feeling the pain of failure leads to more effort to correct your mistake than simply thinking about what went wrong, according to a new study by Fisher's Selin Malkoc.