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Topics: Faculty & Research
Columbus residents slow to get message on masks
April 10, 2020
The Columbus Dispatch

Columbus residents slow to get message on masks

Despite government changing advice on wearing masks, few people are warming to the new advice in Columbus. This might be the norm for a while, said Grant Donnelly, an assistant professor of marketing at Fisher who has researched how public campaigns and messages influence public behavior. “Effective messaging requires consistent messaging to instill trust.”
States with the biggest increases in unemployment due to COVID-19
April 9, 2020

States with the biggest increases in unemployment due to COVID-19

Facing a pandemic is stressful enough by itself, but many Americans must deal with losing their employment on top of health concerns. To help guide Americans in this time of crisis, WalletHub turned to a panel of experts, including Joseph A. Alutto, distinguished professor, emeritus, in the Department of Management and Human Resources.
Shipping containers on a freighter
March 30, 2020

The sages of supply chains are watching in awe: In their words

Michael Knemeyer, professor of logistics at Fisher, says until companies are able to synchronize supply and demand, the current COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be problematic for global supply chains. 
How supply chains jumped from business school and into our lives
March 29, 2020

How supply chains jumped from business school and into our lives

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has placed never-before-seen focus and demand on global supply chains. Michael Knemeyer, professor of logistics at Fisher, says that while the disruption has been unprecedented, supply chains will become more resilient because of lessons learned from the pandemic.
Panic food buying could lead to international crisis, UN economist says
March 23, 2020
Dayton Daily News

Panic food buying could lead to international crisis, UN economist says

James Hill, chair of Fisher's Department of Management Sciences, says that although the supply chain is set up to handle increases in orders, panic buying, such as the kind seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, tends to drive up production, labor and logistics costs for manufacturers, who then pass that cost on to the distributors.
Why the coronavirus is making your neighbor hoard toilet paper
March 19, 2020
The Ohio State University

Why the coronavirus is making your neighbor hoard toilet paper

When a crisis occurs, people's survival instincts kick in; they go into a sort of panic mode and start hoarding — toilet paper? Yunhui Huang, assistant professor of marketing, weighs in on how external factors such as disease influence consumer decision making and preferences. 
Targeted ads and personalization: Putting the customer in charge
March 19, 2020

Targeted ads and personalization: Putting the customer in charge

As personalized advertising continues to evolve, consumers are increasingly dictating what ads they want and when they see them. Rebecca Walker Reczek, the Dr. H. Lee “Buck” Mathews Professor of Marketing at Fisher, says the more options people have to choose their entertainment, the harder it gets for brands to reach a large audience all at once.
2020 Student Pace Setter Award winners
March 13, 2020
Fisher College of Business

Service, engagement, academic excellence honored at 2020 Pace Setters Awards

Fisher College of Business recognized the many contributions of its top students, educators and leaders at the college’s 2020 Pace Setters Awards event.
Lean Enterprise Institute names Peter Ward as its new chairman
March 3, 2020

Lean Enterprise Institute names Peter Ward as its new chairman

The nonprofit Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI), a global leader in lean thinking and practice, announced the appointment of Peter Ward, a professor at Fisher College of Business who has developed graduate-level programs in lean management, as its chairman.
Walmart shelves Jet black shopping service, cuts nearly 300 jobs
February 13, 2020
Talk Business & Politics

Walmart shelves Jet black shopping service, cuts nearly 300 jobs

Two and a half years since Walmart began testing Jet black, its white-glove concierge shopping service dubbed, the retail giant said it will end the service. Fisher's Annibal Sodero says data sets gleaned from a Jet black venture would be rich for a retailer like Walmart.
Ohio economy could feel impact if China’s coronavirus outbreak continues much longer
February 9, 2020

Ohio economy could feel impact if China’s coronavirus outbreak continues much longer

Because of globalization, many Ohio companies rely on China, either for products or sales. If the Chinese economy is impaired long enough, Ohio’s economy could suffer too said Oded Shenkar, a global business management professor and expert on China at Fisher.
Shipping containers on a cargo ship
February 5, 2020

Why coronavirus is a dire threat to supply chains

As governments and health officials around the world struggle to contain the coronavirus outbreak, common measures that companies take to safeguard their supply chains against disruptions are ineffective for the coronavirus outbreak, said Keely Croxton, a professor of logistics at Ohio State University.
Walmart and Target are gaining (a little) ground on Amazon in e-commerce
February 3, 2020

Walmart and Target are gaining (a little) ground on Amazon in e-commerce

Annibal Sodero, an assistant professor of marketing, says different strategies among the top e-commerce companies explains why a few of them seem to be gaining on Amazon, the industry leader.
Change favors the prepared mind
January 24, 2020
Smart Business

Change favors the prepared mind

Follow these steps to run today’s businesses better while preparing for a changed tomorrow, says Thomas A. Stewart, executive director of the National Center for the Middle Market.
Stock image of climbers
January 20, 2020

Step into discomfort

Tanya Menon urges us in her TED Talk to change our “habitual daily footpath,” which exposes us to the same daily physical environments, people and ideas.” A loss of efficiency and convenience will likely mean a gain of diversity. “A simple change in planning, a huge difference in the traffic of people and the accidental bumps in the [social] network,” she explains.
Cynthia Turner portrait
January 3, 2020
Fisher College of Business

Meet Fisher’s new chief diversity officer: Cynthia Turner

Assistant Dean and Chief Diversity Officer Cynthia Turner has always been a trailblazer. In 1996 she became the first African-American woman to earn a PhD in accounting from The Ohio State University and now, more than 20 years later, she is the first such woman to be named to the dean’s leadership team at Fisher in its recorded history.
December 20, 2019
Spectrum News 1

Santa Claus business helping brick and mortar stores

Fisher's Joe Goodman says in-store experiences like appearances by Santa Claus are helping to drive business and providing consumers with reasons to shop at brick-and-mortar instead of online. 
Understanding the skills gap — and what employers can do about it
December 6, 2019

Understanding the skills gap — and what employers can do about it

For many employers, taking on a leadership role in workforce development will require changes to prior practice. A recent report from The Brookings Institution and The National Center for the Middle Market helps to illustrate the types of changes that employers should consider.
How to have a true hobby, not a side hustle
December 3, 2019

How to have a true hobby, not a side hustle

Selin A. Malkoc, a marketing professor at Fisher who studies how leisure can contribute to our overall happiness, says the problem with finding a hobby is compounded when so many of us “do yoga because we want to be a yoga master.” Instead, Malkoc says, it’s perfectly fine to do it just because we want to relax.
December 2, 2019
U.S. News & World Report

Decade in review: 'Big Tech' gains enormous power

The U.S. government has begun recognizing just how much power big tech companies have quietly amassed. “The law has not yet caught up with big data analytics and so mere compliance with the law is not sufficient to protect people in the big data era,” says Dennis Hirsch, a fellow at The Risk Institute. “Data ethics is about going beyond what the law requires in order to mitigate risks to individuals, and so to the company itself."
Anil Makhija
November 21, 2019
The Ohio State University

Makhija reappointed as dean of Fisher College of Business

The Ohio State University Board of Trustees have approved the reappointment of Anil K. Makhija, PhD, as dean of the Max M. Fisher College of Business. His reappointment is effective through June 30, 2024. Makhija also holds the John W. Berry, Sr. Chair in Business and is a professor in the Department of Finance.
Time-lapse photo of people shopping on a busy street.
November 19, 2019
Fisher College of Business

There's a Better Way Podcast: Access for all through the power of logistics

Free shipping, one-hour delivery and pick-up in store, are all phrases consumers are seeing more and more. As part of the “There’s a Better Way” podcast, Aravind Chandrasekaran, associate director of the Center for Operational Excellence, talks with Dr. Terry Esper, associate professor of logistics at The Ohio State University, to discuss the recent changes to the field and how it's affecting the way we go about our every day lives.
Holidays arrive early: Retailers unleash pre-Black Friday frenzy
November 17, 2019
The Lima News

Holidays arrive early: Retailers unleash pre-Black Friday frenzy

Holiday sales and décor pop up earlier and earlier each year so retailers can reach consumers on a budget in an era when most shopping can be done online long before Black Friday arrives, said Joe Goodman, professor of marketing and chair of the marketing and logistics department at Fisher College of Business.
Wendy's celebrates 50 years, continues to make big impact on Central Ohio
November 15, 2019

Wendy's celebrates 50 years, continues to make big impact on Central Ohio

It’s been 50 years since the very first Wendy's opened on Nov. 15, 1969. Even today, the chain has made a big impact on both the city of Columbus and Dublin and has been an engine for the local economy. "I have just talked to so many people who said, Wendy's it's just so special,” said John Barker, president of the Ohio Restaurant Association and a lecturer in Fisher's Department of Marketing and Logistics.
Wendy's gears up to celebrate 50th birthday
November 10, 2019
The Columbus Dispatch

Wendy's gears up to celebrate 50th birthday

Wendy's first slogan, “quality is our recipe,” can still be found on many of the restaurants, and the company’s marketing continues to focus on the “quality” part of the equation, said Joseph Goodman, associate professor of marketing at Fisher.