Mentor Programs

Mentor Opportunities

Students engaging in team building through their mentorship program

Each mentor program is designed to provide Fisher students with opportunities to both learn from professionals, as well as give back to the Fisher community. All mentoring programs engage and enlighten undergraduate students from the perspective of someone with an understanding of Fisher and with more experience as a business student or working professional.

Mentor Opportunities

Benefits of Participating in a Mentor Program:

  • Develop interpersonal relationships
  • Expand your personal and future professional network
  • Have a "go to" person to help guide you as you grow and develop
  • Learn about Fisher opportunities from classmates with firsthand experience

Leadership & Engagement Office Contact Information

The staff of the Undergraduate Leadership & Engagement Office are available to meet with students who are interested in learning how to become more engaged during their collegiate career.

Undergraduate Leadership & Engagement Office
Fisher College of Business
309 Schoenbaum Hall 
210 W. Woodruff Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1144