Persistence and Leadership

Leaders will always face resistance. That is part of the job. They face more when trying to drive change. It requires persistence to overcome that resistance and developing that persistence is an important quality to grow as a leader.

This past week provided an important example of persistence. President Trump had an unprecedented meeting with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un. Very few people thought the POTUS was capable of bringing the leader of North Korea to the negotiating table. Trump faced opposition and resistance from all angles as he navigated the diplomatic process. His persistence paid off as the leaders met in Singapore. The peace process is far from over, but this meeting might be a monumental step in the right direction.

What can we learn from this? Be persistent and don’t be afraid to do what you think is right — even in the face of criticism and opposition. As a leader, you will have plenty of critics and sometimes resistance. It can come in many forms and be anywhere from subtle to aggressive. Regardless of whatever form it takes, it requires persistence to successfully overcome it.

What do you do when you hear “no”? What do you do when you are criticized for doing the right thing? Be persistent and show courage by pressing on.

It is never too late to start developing your persistence.



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