Author: Ezichi Adanna Anokwuru

April 15, 2024
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As I near the completion of my first year in a full-time MBA program, I find myself reflecting on the transformative experiences that have reshaped my understanding of both business and personal growth.The InitiationThe pace of an MBA is relentless. From day one, the breadth of knowledge and the overlap of courses like finance, marketing, operations, and strategy alongside leadership workshops and networking events have both challenged and excited me.
February 27, 2024
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Embarking on an MBA, I was acutely aware of the demanding nature of graduate studies. However, nothing could have fully prepared me for the intricate dance of balancing academic responsibilities with personal life—a challenge that has become a central theme of my first-year experience. The Initial Overwhelm: Setting the StageThe early days of my MBA journey were marked by an overwhelming sense of being perpetually behind. Coursework, group meetings, networking events, and the relentless pursuit of internships filled every waking moment.
January 31, 2024
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Transitioning from one country to another as an international student is an adventure filled with learning, growth, and the inevitable challenge of adapting to a new culture. Having recently returned from London, UK, where I went to collect my MSc degree certificate, I've had time to reflect on my journey and the plethora of experiences that shaped my time abroad. Now as an MBA student here in the USA, I share insights and tips for fellow students embarking on a similar path from Europe to the USA.Embrace the Cultural Shift: The cultural contrast between Europe and the USA can be striking.
October 17, 2023
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As an MBA student, your journey is not just about acquiring knowledge—it's also about forging connections and building relationships that can have a profound impact on your future career. Whether it was in the 1960s or today, networking has always been a crucial talent in the business world, and business school is the ideal setting to develop it. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of networking and building relationships in business school.
September 21, 2023
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I recently returned from the National Black MBA Association career fair conference and that has left me buzzing with a ton of inspiration and insights. Career fairs can be a goldmine of opportunities for MBA students looking to kickstart their professional journey or advance their existing careers and as an MBA student, attending such events can be a game-changer, but making the most of them requires careful planning, strategies and etiquette.