5 Tips for Efficiency at Ohio State!

Are you thinking about attending Ohio State University? If so, you’re probably excited about the academic challenges, a wide network of professionals, and limitless opportunities. But being a student can get busy, and managing it all can feel a little overwhelming. Between classes, work, personal time, and extracurriculars, you can feel like you're walking a tightrope.

I’m currently in the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program at Ohio State and trust me, I’ve learned a thing or two about staying efficient. Whether you’re interviewing, balancing work, or just trying to stay on top of your studies, I’ve got a few tips to help you manage your time and still have room to breathe.

One of the most important things I do to stay on track is plan my day ahead of time. I like to sit down every Sunday and map out the next week. A typical day for me starts at 5:30 a.m. with a study session and ends around 5:30 p.m. after some homework and working in the Graduate Programs Office. That’s 10+ hours a day in classes, work, and networking, which adds up to over 50 hours a week! Sounds intense, right? But planning makes a HUGE difference in jumping from one task to the next without feeling overwhelmed. Here are 5 tips I plan for when getting ready for the week!

  1. Taking care of your mind is key to staying efficient. At Ohio State, I hit the books early, almost like a workout plan! After that, I make sure to eat a solid breakfast because you can't expect to perform at your best on an empty stomach.
  2. Sleep is another biggie. I aim for at least seven hours a night—anything less and I’d be running on fumes. I know it’s tempting to pull all-nighters but believe me, it’s not worth it. My brain does not work as well when I'm tired, and sleep is integral to my personal goals.
  3. One thing that’s helped me a ton is using my commute wisely. I have about a half-hour drive to campus, and instead of just zoning out, I listen to podcasts or audiobooks. Sometimes I even catch up on lectures! If you're a commuter at Ohio State, turning that downtime into something productive makes a big difference.
  4. As busy as things get, I always try to make time for myself. Whether it’s meeting friends for lunch, taking a break at The Graduate Lounge in Gerlach, or just relaxing for a bit, personal time keeps me grounded and prevents burnout. Ohio State has tons of spots on campus to unwind, so it’s worth carving out moments for yourself.
  5. Lastly, don’t forget to take advantage of the resources Ohio State offers. Whether it’s academic advising, tutoring, or time management workshops, Ohio State has your back. Things get busy, that's completely normal! There’s no need to go through the hectic days alone when help is just a click or visit away. 

Balancing life at Ohio State might sound tough, but with a little planning and staying efficient, you can tackle everything that comes your way. Plus, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy all the awesome things the Buckeye experience has to offer. Ready to make it happen? #GoBucks